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Tsokolate: The magic never goes away

Updated: Feb 20, 2022

What’s not to like in tsokolate made from pure organic tablea? On top of its delicious taste, it offers a number of mighty important health benefits. Tsokolate is a regular part of breakfast or snacks; it's, likewise, a stand-alone happy beverage. It goes well with breakfast food such as fried rice, eggs, chorizo, tapa, corned beef and many other choices. It’s inarguably a perfect match for pancakes, waffles, sandwiches and bread, too.

Many go for tsokolate for its pure chocolate goodness, but it turns out that equally many take this cacao-based drink for its richly nutritious content. True enough, research has shown that people who eat more chocolate – especially the less processed type that comes purely from cacao – have lower rates of heart attacks and heart failure (Harvard Health 2017).

Then since dark chocolate can help boost athletic performance (Science Daily 2016), organic cacao in a less processed form like the tablea can do so much more! Indeed, a regular intake of tsokolate, whether hot or cold, has proven to have positive effects on the energy levels of athletes.

Preparing tsokolate has morphed into varying procedures that range from using just water to substituting it with creamy milk as the base. Tsokolate is also now concocted with flavorful additions such as ground cinnamon, grated nutmeg, chocolate chips and even peanut butter!

But the classic tsokolate is made purely of tablea, with milk and sugar added to taste.



• 2 cups water

• 2 tablea discs (approximately 10 grams each)


1) Pour two cups of water into the tsokolatera (or a deep pan) and bring it to a boil.

2) Drop two tablea discs and stir regularly using the batirol (or a whisk) until the discs have completely melted.

3) Lower the heat then hold the batirol between the palm of your hands. Rotate the batirol by rubbing your palms together so as to create froth atop the tsokolate.

4) Directly from the tsokolatera, pour the freshly prepared tsokolate into cups. As tablea made purely from cacao can be gritty, use a fine-mesh sieve to serve smooth tsokolate.

5) Serve the tsokolate together with milk and sugar, as desired.


Harvard Medical School (2017). Is chocolate heart-healthy? Ask the doctor. Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved 11 October 2020 from

Science Daily (2016). Eating dark chocolate as a daily snack could help boost athletic performance. Science News. Retrieved 11 October 2020 from

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